Find funding and grant opportunities currently available from NRM North projects and programs, including advice and tools to assist you with your application.
Midlands region
NRM North is seeking expressions of interest from landholders to get involved in the Improving Midlands biodiversity: stewardship and restoration project.
Participating in this project means you will help protect and enhance the ecological values in the Midlands region, contributing to the conservation of critically endangered species, including orchids and vital grassland habitats.
Participants may be eligible to receive funding for:
Map of central Tasmania showing approximate project target area.
Giant freshwater crayfish (Astacopsis gouldi). Photo: Todd Walsh
Pipers / Little Forester / Great Forester catchments
NRM North is seeking expressions of interest from landholders in the Pipers, Little Forester and Great Forester catchments in northern Tasmania to get involved in the project, Giant freshwater crayfish: enhancing habitat conservation, to expand the distribution of existing populations of the Giant Freshwater Crayfish (GFC), Astacopsis gouldi. Funding is available to:
Circular Economy and Resource Recovery Grants
Circular North's Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Grants support successful applicants to decrease the amount of waste sent to landfill through innovative activities, and increase the recirculation of resources. Future waste targets and actions will encourage the transition to a circular economy.
In 2025, a total pool of $50,000 is available to fund projects that:
Individual applications can seek up to $10,000 of financial support for eligible project costs.
Applications close at 5 pm, Friday 14 March 2025
Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Grants 2025