Regional Agriculture Landcare Facilitator

The role of the Regional Agriculture Landcare Facilitator (RALF) is to engage and inform farming communities and agricultural industries within northern Tasmania about emerging ideas, innovative practices and relevant new government policy to help improve sustainability, productivity and profitability in agriculture.


Regional Agriculture Landcare Facilitators help to coordinate and deliver:

  • workshops, farm demonstrations and peer learning sessions related to soil management and climate resilience;
  • agriculture industry events related to productivity-enhancing technologies; and
  • collaboration between diverse organisations and businesses servicing the rural community.

They can also help with facilitating ideas and practices, such as:

  • building resilience to significant changes in climate;
  • on‐farm biosecurity;
  • improved service delivery; or
  • updates of grant opportunities.
Small Farm Living focus area

The Regional Agriculture Landcare Facilitator role covers the northern Tasmania NRM region.

Sheep on a hill

The program will encourage industry, growers and community groups to work together to address common issues.


Regional Agriculture Landcare Facilitators (RALFs) provide important core agricultural services within their region for long-lasting community outcomes. NRM North is encouraged by the opportunity to deliver positive outcomes by 2023 as part of the RALF program.

The partnerships created and projects carried out through the RALF will deliver positive agricultural outcomes, such as connecting industry, grower and community groups to address common issues.


Services will be delivered to land managers, landcare groups and farming system groups by Christine Plummer, RALF at NRM North through a range of mechanisms including:

  • collaborative technology presentations and in-field technology demonstrations;
  • participation and advocacy in relevant working groups;
  • assisting farming communities and agriculture industries/ groups to develop new projects and seek new funding opportunities;
  • participating in Tasmania’s Forum of Rural Stakeholders to provide advice and activities in crisis response; and
  • sustainable agricultural projects and events.
Christine Plummer

NRM North RALF Christine Plummer installing a time-lapse camera at a project site.


This project is supported by NRM North, through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.


This project is supported by NRM North, through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.