Getting involved with natural resource management (NRM) activities is a great way to feel connected, make a difference, and learn about northern Tasmania.
Revegetation projects are an important element of natural resource management and volunteers are often needed to help plant hundreds of seedlings.
Volunteer Champion Program
There are many opportunities throughout the year to get involved as a volunteer or citizen scientist. These include:
Complete the Volunteer Champion Program Registration to be alerted to opportunities!
Giant freshwater crayfish habitat surveys may be undertaken by trained citizen scientists.
What else can you do?
Natural resource management refers to the management of natural resources such as land, water and biodiversity values. The role of NRM organisations is to protect, sustainably manage and improve natural resources for the shared environmental, cultural, social and economic benefit of the community.
Getting involved with NRM North could include either participating as a volunteer, helping a neighbour or community group to improve the environment, learning more about NRM practices and our environment or applying for funding for your own project.
Join a local community group!
There are Landcare groups all over Tasmania that do incredible work for the state. Find and join a group using the Landcare Tasmania directory.
The Land for Wildlife program through the Tasmanian Land Conservancy is a voluntary scheme that encourages, supports and recognises private landowners who are taking a positive approach to land management by incorporating nature conservation on their properties. This program also provides opportunities to participate in wildlife monitoring and citizen science activities.
The Launceston Field Naturalists Club is also a terrific organisation to become involved with if you are interested in studying and conserving our natural heritage.