2023-2024 Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Grants

The NTWMP Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Grants will support successful applicants in northern Tasmania to decrease the amount of waste sent to landfill through innovative activities, increasing the recovery of resources from waste that would otherwise be lost to landfill, or strengthening northern Tasmania’s circular economy.

UTAS-Circular Economy-2023-16

University of Tasmania are a previous grant recipient.

Grant round - CLOSED

Applications closed on 4 August 2023. 

A total of $145,000 was available under the 2023-2024 Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Grants which supported successful applicants for eligible project costs associated with:

  • circular economy initiatives,
  • projects that reduce waste going to landfill;
  • procuring innovative recycling infrastructure; or
  • educational materials necessary to improve waste management practices in the Northern Tasmanian area.

Eligible organisations could apply for a grant of up to $50,000 (ex-GST) (the maximum grant amount) for eligible project costs.

Who can apply?

The following organisations can apply for funding under the 2023-2024 Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Grants:

  • Schools
  • Not-for-profit community organisations registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission
  • Sole traders, small, medium and large businesses
  • Local governments and local government organisations, and state government organisations (including hospitals and tertiary education institutions)

Organisations must:

  • be based and operate in the Northern Tasmania area as defined by the council boundaries of Break O'Day, Dorset, Flinders Island, George Town, Launceston, Meander Valley, Northern Midlands and West Tamar; and
  • be seeking to minimise waste to landfill from either their operations, implementing circular economy initiatives or community activities in the northern Tasmanian community.
Circular economy picture

Components of the circular economy model (Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2013)

Previous recipients

Take a look at some of the ideas from the circular economy grants in 2021!

These projects are positively impacting our environment and showing us new possibilities.

Fork it Farm - Lebrina

A pig farm based in Lebrina, aiming to reduce its waste as much as possible. Through the Circular Economy & Resource Recovery Grants in 2021, they applied to purchase a kiln that processes bones to create biochar. The biochar is then used to create a nutrient rich soil. As an added bonus, this process also reduces the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Westbury Primary School - Westbury

Received funding through a Circular Economy & Resource Recovery Grant in 2021 to set up a recycling hub onsite at the school. The hub is open to students, staff, and the wider community and has allowed the recycling of items that are not recyclable through kerbside recycling collection, such as batteries, printer cartridges and coffee pods. Westbury Primary School’s initiative has seen hundreds of kilos of waste diverted from landfills.

UTAS - Inveresk Campus

The Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Grants allowed UTAS to develop an on-site FOGO Waste Management System as part of their community food garden.

This system means their food and garden waste can be made into compost, which is then used to nourish their community gardens. These grants can help you, like UTAS, make a change to create a circular economy.

More information

Should you wish to find out more about the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Grants, or discuss your application please contact:

Sustainability Manager

Email: admin@nrmnorth.org.au

Phone: 03 6333 7777


Circular North is supported by the Tasmanian Government, through the Tasmanian Waste and Resource Recovery Board.


Circular North is supported by the Tasmanian Government, through the Tasmanian Waste and Resource Recovery Board.